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Monday, June 6, 2011

June 5, 2011 Another level of learning!

 I have been trying to get some pics uploaded but not getting there very fast, so I'd better get back to blogging and catch you all up on things.
We are in Mali for a month already!  Wow!  How much we have learned.  How much more we have to learn.  It is sort of like parenting, you think you are making good progress, then God introduces a new subject or at least a new level of learning and growth. BOY, DO WE HAVE A LOT TO LEARN!
We have learned a little about the Malian way of thinking--about the importance of relationship over "fact".  We have been told not to ask a yes/no question: an african cannot say "no" to a guest! He will have to give you a "yes" to fit in his culture of politeness. He will leave thinking he has done well, and go and do as he has intended all along. We will leave expecting the "yes" to be carried thru, and be disapointed and frustrated at the outcome.
Just yesterday we got a new perspective on that.  If you say "I will give you this money if you will use it for (a specific project), will you receive it?" to one of an African mindset, he will say "yes, I will do it!" However, once the building is built, or the money is in his hand, he will feel that it is up to him what it will be used for.  That is not our way of thinking, is it?  He is being polite and giving you the answer that you want to hear--right now, to make you happy.  His way of thinking is to build the relationship above all other considerations.  Our perspective is often about "The Facts, ma'am! Just the facts!"
We come from a black & white, right and wrong culture.  Most Malians come from a shame and honor culture perspective.  Both have their pluses and minuses, but until we understand each the other, we will be at a loss.
Be Blessed and be a blessing today!

1 comment:

  1. We check every day to see your updates :) Thanks for doing this so we can "keep in touch"!
