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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Spa!

Give thanks in all circumstances, for that is the Father's will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thess 5:18

As we think about the heat, there are several things that we are thankful for.
One is that we have a spa that would be the envy of many of you.  Which one of you has a state  of the art bathroom with heated towel rods and warmed floors?  Ehh?  Not only that, but we have permanently heated towels and toothpaste, and commode seat.  No more cold throne!  Then there are the shower walls!!  Late in the afternoon, we almost have our own sauna.  The sun hits on two sides of the building in the afternoon --the corner where the shower is located-- and those walls get hot to the touch.  If you lean against it you would be uncomfortably warm.  :)) There is no need for a water heater, at least at this time of the year, as the water comes out of the spigot on that heated wall at very comfortable temperatures (sometimes you need to let the first, hottest water run off before stepping under the spray.)  Oh, and I also use the nicely warmed olive oil that is provided to pamper my hair. :))

Another thing is that we DO appreciate the shade so much more.  Do you know how much cooler it is in the section of town where there are mature shade trees along the streets and on the ground there is grass planted (and watered) ??  I am working on finding out what trees are the best to plant here at the base to enrich the living in future years.  The guard at the gate would be so much more comfortable if he was shaded by a lovely fica or mango tree. The walls and our roof would be 30* cooler at days end, and think of the fresh fruit we could have.  Not only mangos, but lemons, oranges, banana and papaya. Those last 2 plants would not provide much shade, but still would cool some, and enrich our/their lives with food. (By the way, did you know that the banana is not a tree but is the world's largest herb?  A single plant grows for a year or more, bears it's fruit and then is cut down as it will produce no more.) When I have done my research about what trees to plant and how much they cost to buy at a local nursery, I will put out a plea for someone to fund this particular project. I will get to dig in the dirt and care for them-- getting them established, and someone there at home can have the satisfaction of having given another gift that will continue to live and grow and hopefully benefit the boys for years to come.
(Those of you in Franklin Co area can be glad for a nursery like our friends Elmer & Lydia Fisher have at Lurgan Greenhouse.  Boy could I put their knowledge to good use here!)

There is no arguing that it is HOT!  As I sit here at my computer at my table, the thermometer has topped the 100 * mark again, 20 minutes after I experimented with it by wrapping it in a wet towel, and succeeded in getting it to drop below 80*. (I told you evaporative cooling works--try that experiment with your kids some hot summer day.  Really amazing!) And while I was wet from a cooling shower a few minutes before that, the sweat is now running down my face and dripping off my chin, and my shirt is wet over about 1/2 of its surface, reminding me that I need to turn the fan on. 
A-h-h-h-h! That is better!!
I also need to say a word of thanks to the many friends and supporters who have given of their time and their financial resources to enable us to come and be here in Mali for this 15 months.  Know that you are an integral part of what you read here.  While we may ask for your help from time to time with special projects that we see would benefit here, we also need the continued support for day to day living expenses.  Thank you!
We are blessed.
Count YOUR blessings today and be amazed at the glory of God, and of His faithfulness.

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